AMPP Policy Priorities
Policy Priorities and Advocacy – United States
Corrosion threatens our environment and public safety, sometimes with catastrophic results. Whether in the form of a bridge collapse, a pipeline failure, or even a dead car battery; corrosion harms people, assets, and the environment at a cost of more than $500 billion a year. Fortunately, when properly addressed, the harmful effects of corrosion can be mitigated, and costs can be reduced by as much as thirty percent.
The Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) advances the corrosion prevention and coatings industry through member and workforce education, technological innovation, and global standardization to protect people, assets, and the environment. We advance this mission by working with policymakers throughout the world to emphasize the importance of corrosion planning and training.
No other association brings the breadth of knowledge, expertise, and passion about corrosion prevention than AMPP and its global membership. AMPP brings together knowledge, skills and expertise used to protect the world from the adverse effects of corrosion. We understand and demonstrate daily why corrosion control belongs at the forefront of public policy.
A complete list of our priorities and positions can be found below.