Wednesday, February 19, 2025, 11:30 AM - 01:30 PM PT
The presentation will review multiple case studies in which dissimilar metal connections along with some factors led to failures in pipelines, rebar in concrete, concrete degradation, earthquake anchor corrosion, and building plumbing systems. The speaker hopes to teach how different metals react in different pH, and why cathodic protection can be thought of as pH control and not only electron flow, reminding everyone that some metals thrive in high pH while others do not.
Biography: Eduardo Hernandez, PE is the Principal Engineer at Project X Corrosion Engineering. He graduated from California State Polytechnic University of Pomona as a Mechanical Engineer and earned a Masters in Materials Science at Tampere University of Technology in Finland. He has worked as a 3D CAD designer, foundry intern, university researcher, land development and water resources design engineer at RBF Consulting, a corrosion engineer at Schiff Associates, and as a forensic engineer at Vollmer-Gray Engineering Labs. His experience has provided the opportunity to learn from many people's mistakes and to provide advice on avoiding and mitigating future mistakes and being thrown under the bus. Ed also served on the NACE LA Section board from 2006-2013 ending as Trustee and is the current chairman of the Western States Corrosion Seminar.
Members and Guests: $30
Students: Free
Catered Lunch Included
Earn 1.0 PDH for Attending
Reserve your spot by 2/17/2025:
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LinkedIn: AMPP San Diego Chapter
Venmo: SD-AMPP
San Diego, CA, United States