
AMPP Webcasts offer educational presentations related to corrosion as a way to connect people within the corrosion community in an engaging and interactive way.

AMPP Webcast

What's Next for AMPP Certifications in 2025 and A Look Back at 2024

In this installment of Ask AMPP Certifications, recap 2024 changes with us including renewal period updates, the new AMPP PCS program, and get answers to your most frequently asked questions.

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MP Webcast

Intro to Laser Ablation Cleaning and Surface Prep Science

Learn about the science behind how laser ablation cleaning and surface prep works, the mechanisms involved, and what this process can and cannot do. Practical applications, logistical considerations, safety considerations, and examples of the latest technological advancements will be presented. 

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MP Webcast

Sticky Coating Situations – Do Old Rules of Thumb Still Apply?

From the year 2000 through 2023, more than 130 paints and coatings failures were assessed, and the results allow us to determine if this rule of thumb is accurate. The data also provides critical information to improve as an industry, as well as to prevent coating failures in the future. 

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AMPP Webcast

Mitigating Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) While Reducing Carbon Emissions

During this session we will focus on how to best mitigate CUI and other benefits of a properly installed system, including energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.

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MP Webcast

Thermal Spray Zinc Duplex Case Study: Coating an In-Service Bridge in Alaska

Zinc coatings provide a barrier that protects the substrate from contact with an electrolyte while keeping away corrosive elements. For this project in Kodiak Island, Alaska, the GNWC crew applied a thermal spray zinc metallizing coating system to an in-service duplex metallized bridge while dealing with challenges such as materials delivery, supply chain issues during COVID, weather fluctuations, and 140-mile=per-hour winds.

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AMPP Webcast

Ask the Expert: Ending Concrete Corrosion

Concrete corrosion is a global issue, causing billions in losses annually. But there's hope! Learn how ancient Roman cement has inspired modern coatings to protect and extend the life of concrete infrastructure.

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AMPP Webcast

Nanotechnology Use in Industrial Coatings—How Something So Small Can Make Such a Big Impact

Discover how nanotechnology, specifically carbon nanotubes (CNTs), is revolutionizing protective coatings. This session will cover the fundamentals of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and highlight their transformative benefits in enhancing coating performance.

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MP Webcast

Toxic Gas Emissions: Detect and Evaluate via Exception-Based Remote Monitoring

This webcast highlights the use of web-enabled remote monitoring technology for data acquisition from remote locations on pipelines. This is a case study highlighting the development and testing of this toxic gas monitoring solution.

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AMPP Certification Webcast

How to Manage SSPC Certs in the New Platform

Session covers:

  • How to access My Certification Portal
  • Review of the recertification process
  • Changes to the PCS and NBPI credentials
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MP Webcast

Shield Your Plant from CUI: World’s First Stone Wool Insulation with Built-In Corrosion Inhibitor

In this webcast, you will learn how this innovative solution demonstrates 5X better corrosion mitigation rates compared to existing insulation options, through proven case studies and data analysis.

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AMPP Webcast

Potential Theory Applied to Cathodic Protection Design: A Second Look

The two experts—Ron Bianchetti and Rogelio De Las Casas—who hosted last year’s immensely popular Author Interview Webcast: Potential Theory Applied to Cathodic Protection Design are back.

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AMPP Certification Webcast

Why are Digital Certification Badges a Good Idea?

In this webcast, we will discuss the benefits of digital credentials including access, security, and instant validation.

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MP Webcast

Enhanced Integrity, Safety, and Monitoring Through Innovation

Axess will present their latest innovation—a game changer in terms of access fitting selection. The new Horizon access fitting provides benefits across the project timeline from design engineers to field technicians.

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AMPP Webcast

Evaluación de Durabilidad de Aceros de Refuerzo en Concreto en Ambientes Marinos

Esta presentación mostrará los resultados obtenidos del comportamiento del ambiente y su efecto sobre el acero de refuerzo, en 72 especímenes expuestos a atmósferas marinas (12 sitios de exposición) de estos países, durante un período de 20 años.

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MP Webcast

Inorganic Zinc Coatings: Corrosion Control Comparisons and Use Cases

Mitigating corrosion of steel structures extends service life, adds value, and reduces environmental impact. Zinc-rich inorganic coatings based on silicate resin technology have offered corrosion protection for heavy-duty coating applications for the last 60 years.

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AMPP Certification Webcast

Learn More About AMPP Certifications

Introductory session covering:

  • Differing types of certifications and renewal processes
  • Where to locate guides and how-to videos
  • Address Submitted questions
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AMPP Webcast

Hampton Roads Area Funding Opportunities for AMPP Training and Certification

Come learn and ask the questions you want to know about the Hampton Roads Workforce Council’s efforts for the coatings industry, and how various supports are available for employers and employees training and certifications.

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MP Webcast

Leak Detection Sensors with Web-Based Remote Monitoring

This webcast highlights the use of web-enabled remote monitoring technology for data acquisition from remote locations on pipelines. 

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MP Webcast

Water Pipeline Isolation and Sealing: Best Practices to Prevent Leaks, Optimize Performance

In this webcast, you will learn the latest advances in water pipeline isolation and sealing technology.

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MP Webcast

Advantages of FEVE Fluoropolymer Topcoats for New and Existing Bridges

In this webcast, we will discuss the ability of FEVE fluoropolymer topcoats to resist UV degradation, corrosion, and the ill effects of chemical exposure for both new bridges and maintenance re-coating of existing bridges. 

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MP Webcast

Performance Differences: Spark Gaps vs. DC Decouplers for Over-Voltage Use

In this webcast, attendees will learn an overview of over-voltage protection of isolation joints, high-level understanding of spark gap and DC decoupler technologies, detailed, data-driven analysis of spark gap performance in over-voltage conditions, and an analysis of performance benefits in solid-state devices.

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MP Webcast

Foundations: Concrete Resurfacing for Water, Wastewater Linings

This webcast explores the need for repairing and resurfacing concrete surfaces prior to applying high-performance linings. 

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CP Webcast

Managing Your Air Supply System

In this webcast, you will learn about management of air supply systems, importance of data logging with air supply systems, importance of monitoring carbon monoxide and dew points or water vapor in your airline to keep breathing air clean, and protection of your air supply equipment.

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MP Webcast

NIPPON STEEL’s AP Grades Have Excellent Resistance to Corrosion and SR Cracking

In this webcast, you will learn, sensitization and SCC, what corrosion is sensitization, SCC,
Carburization, stress relaxation cracking [SRC]), benefits of AP grades, availability of AP grades, supply reference of AP grades, and supply chain of AP grades.

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AMPP Webcast

Lessons Learned From Oil Field Failures

Each chapter will include a failure case and the investigation into the failure, providing steps taken to determine the root causes.

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CP Webcast

Blasting Safety With 10X Abrasives

Studies of the effects of exposure to complex material mixtures in living subjects provides a more complete and accurate assessment of toxicity than tracking trace hazardous ingredients.

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MP Webcast

How to Thrive Under the Mega Rule

This webcast will present Mobiltex’s take on how to succeed and thrive under the Mega Rule. 

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AMPP Webcast

Non-Skids: A Complex Coating System

This webcast will provide a high-level overview of AMPP’s upcoming book, Non-Skid Basics: A Contractor’s Guide for Military Applications.

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AMPP Webcast

100 Years of Green Corrosion Inhibitors

To find alternative sources of corrosion inhibitors that are environmentally friendly, researchers have put great efforts into finding the source of substances that are biodegradable and nontoxic. 

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MP Webcast

Selecting and Specifying Coatings for Water/Wastewater Treatment Plants

The world is experiencing an explosive demand for water treatment capacity. To meet this demand, the rehabilitation of existing assets and the construction of new plants must both take place at a faster pace than we have ever achieved. Join us to learn about determining the need for coatings, selecting the correct coatings, and properly specifying their installation.

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AMPP Webcast

Potential Theory Applied to Cathodic Protection Design

AMPP’s book Potential Theory Applied to Cathodic Protection Design is intended for cathodic protection design engineers and technicians and presents the physical and mathematical approaches required to obtain the appropriate design equations. 

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CP Webcast

Respiratory Compliance Best Practices

The 3rd Edition of this classic book is written for engineers and technicians who have the responsibility for corrosion management of subsurface, surface and subsea equipment used for producing and processing oil and natural gas.

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MP Webcast

Modeling Corrosion Processes and CP Systems with COMSOL Multiphysics®

During this webcast, we will introduce COMSOL Multiphysics® and the Corrosion Module by showing examples involving galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, and cathodic protection.

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MP Webcast

How to Use PHMSA Incident Data for Building Predictive Models

Don’t get left behind and open yourself up to unnecessary risk by neglecting predictive modeling in your corrosion management programs. Be better prepared: find out how to evaluate machine learning and implement predictive modeling using PHMSA public incidents and annual reports.

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MP Webcast

Understanding Corrosion in a Water and Wastewater Environment

This presentation will focus on understanding the common corrosion mechanisms found within a municipal water and wastewater system. 

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MP Webcast

Stay Ahead of Water—Now and in the Long Run

In a plant, water finds its way onto operation-critical equipment and piping systems, even those covered in insulation. The ingress of water, which occurs through every type of insulation, is the main cause of unanticipated heat loss, downtime, and spills due to corrosion under insulation (CUI).

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AMPP Webcast

Author Interview: Corrosion Control in Petroleum Production

The 3rd Edition of this classic book is written for engineers and technicians who have the responsibility for corrosion management of subsurface, surface and subsea equipment used for producing and processing oil and natural gas.

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MPI Webcast

Recession Proofing Your Business and Playing the Long Game

In these challenging economic times, most contractors have had a fairly good run with strong financial performance. Now there are concerns that this prosperity is threatened with various economic forces at play that seemingly mean to stifle construction growth.

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MP Webcast

Navigating Challenges Facing Corrosion Pros in 2022 and Beyond

In this webcast, we will explore the resultant effects these challenges have on corrosion prevention, in particular the effects on electrical flange isolation kits and how to overcome these challenges.

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AMPP Webcast

Corrosion Management for a Sustainable Future

The editors of “Corrosion Management for a Sustainable future” will discuss the genesis of their motivation behind the book and the process and criteria they used to develop applicable topics and appropriate SMEs

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AMPP Webcast

Corrosion Control in Desalination Plants—An Industrial Guide

Join us as we sit down in conversation with Drs. Roger Francis and Abdelkader Meroufel, the authors of Corrosion Management and Control in Desalination: An Industrial Guide.

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AMPP Webcast

Managing Risk When Moisture Appears in Your Insulation System

Presenters Kat Coronado and Ron King will delve into how moisture gets into a system, what happens when it remains, and how service temperature makes a difference.

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AMPP Webcast

Author Interview Series: A Practical Guide to MIC Mitigation

An upcoming title from AMPP, A Practical Guide to Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Management in the Upstream Oil & Gas Sector, focuses on MIC in terms of upstream oil and gas assets.

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MP Webcast

Insulation Systems for Mitigating CUI

When designing insulation systems within process facilities, a common concern is the possibility of corrosion under insulation (CUI) to develop. 

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MP Webcast

Enhancing CP Data With Advanced Analytics

Powerful new cloud-based technology is now pushing the industry forward in terms of a better understanding of CP data by anonymizing the readings from tens of thousands of data points and aggregating data from many different locations and sources.

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MPI Webcast

The MPI Standards Community – How Can We Collaborate to Improve the Industry?

This webcast will summarize MPI’s role in the architectural/commercial painting industry. The primary focus will be on the paint performance standards and the development of the MPI Standards Community.

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MP Webcast

5 Benefits of Automating Your CP Workflow: Field-to-Office

Cathodic Protection workflows can be complex and inefficient. Digitizing data acquisition, analysis, and reporting can save time and money and give you more accurate results.

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MP Webcast

Modeling Corrosion Processes and Cathodic Protection Systems

Simulation is an efficient way to investigate corrosion processes and design protection systems by visualizing and understanding the impact of your design changes.

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AMPP Webcast

CUI Susceptible Areas for Inspection and an Overview of Inspection Methods

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is more likely to occur in specific areas in piping and equipment systems. However, the visible areas where water ingress occurs are not necessarily the same areas where corrosion damage can be found.

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AMPP Webcast

Harsco Environmental’s New Abrasives

Harsco Environmental is proud to introduce its new and innovative blasting medias. They are environmentally safe and provide the highest performance experience. We will discuss the benefits of these new medias as well as where to find them.

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AMPP Webcast

The Difference Between Standard Gaskets and Isolation Gaskets

Although both standard gaskets and isolation gaskets seal flange leakage, isolation gaskets generally have many other advantages over standard gaskets, with newer developments in isolation gaskets widening the gap between the two.

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AMPP Webcast

Insulation’s Impact on Corrosion, Energy Costs, and Carbon Reduction

A total system approach, including updated specifications and proper design, installation of materials, and maintenance of the insulation system, is essential in the fight against corrosion under insulation (CUI).

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AMPP Webcast

Realizing True ROI: Understanding the Impact of Remote Monitoring

This webcast will begin with an introduction to the use of remote monitoring solutions in the corrosion and cathodic protection industries, providing a detailed overview of the many benefits that users worldwide have become accustomed to leveraging in their daily operations.

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AMPP Webcast

How the Absence of Corrosion Inspection Impacts Your Community’s Safety

During this webcast you'll hear from inspection and policy experts as they explore these and other important questions. Our experts have over 60 years of combined experience examining and protecting assets.

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AMPP Webcast

Destroy Disruption – Conquering Your Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

Brought to you by: CoatingsPro Magazine and Materials Performance

Bounce back from supply chain disruptions at breakneck speed! More than 50% of companies are simply not ready to weather the new norm ‘storm’! What are the key resiliency techniques to ensure you safeguard your business from the potential impacts? This session highlights both strategic and operational resiliency best practices to ensure the sustainability of your revenue and profit even when faced with the uncertainty of what tomorrow brings!

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AMPP Webcast

Unique Corrosion Challenges in a Process Plant: Purposely Fit for Purpose

This webcast will highlight some unique corrosion challenges in processing plants, most of which are not covered by traditional engineering standards or specifications.

We will identify some lessons learned and best practices that can mitigate corrosion in these areas and potentially give these asset areas a longer service life.

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AMPP Webcast

Best Available Design Technology - A Focus on Pipeline Isolation

There are many offerings for both above and below ground pipeline isolation; however, with the varied applications that pipelines have, the changing conditions and designing for a sustainable future, only certain designs may be appropriate. A deep dive into materials, design, and practices will provide the audience with a much clearer view on what will optimize the isolation in pipelines not only for today, but in the future.

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AMPP Webcast

CP Known Unknowns: The Impact of Stray Current, Tellurics

In the world of cathodic protection (CP) system management, operators of critical pipeline infrastructure have long been using systems and technologies to help establish ”known unknowns.“ Manual inspections, surveying techniques, and remote monitoring are just some of the systems that can help create a baseline of data on ”known” events and influences. However, CP is also affected by ”known unknowns.”

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AMPP Webcast

Benefits of Viscoelastic, Self-Healing, Fully Amorphous Coatings

Viscoelastic coatings have been used over the past two decades with success in solving corrosion issues in various circumstances. High aggressive soils such as the Subkha soil in the Gulf Coast area require excellent performance of a coating.

In this presentation, the relation between the intrinsic properties of a viscoelastic coating and its performance under these circumstances is explained from lab to field.

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AMPP Webcast

CUI System Design Considerations for Industrial Pipe Applications

Learn about how corrosion under insulation (CUI) is a challenge for high-temperature applications such as refineries and petrochemical facilities.

It is important to note that CUI is not an insulation problem, it is a system problem. This webcast provides insight into material selection and how the insulation system can be used to limit the potential for CUI. You will learn how a properly specified and installed insulation system will provide years of reliable performance that minimizes, if not prevents, the potential for corrosion.

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AMPP Webcast

Mitigating CUI and Noise in Your Processing Plants

Did you know, corrosion under insulation (CUI) can account for up to 40% of maintenance costs for pipes; and water trapped underneath and/or in the insulation not only corrodes but reduces thermal performance and efficiency?

Did you know, some process plants operate at noise levels of >100 decibels, similar to the noise from a helicopter? This can damage hearing over time, leading to fatigue, anxiety and other issues that can negatively impact safety and job performance.

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AMPP Webcast

Modeling Corrosion Processes and Cathodic Protection Systems

Corrosion is damaging to structures and infrastructure, costing billions of dollars every year. Understanding the corrosion process and how to mitigate it by applying the correct protection procedure is crucial for reducing corrosion damage costs. Simulation is an efficient way to investigate corrosion processes and design protection systems by visualizing and understanding the impact of your design changes.

During this webcast, we will introduce the Corrosion Module and the basis of corrosion simulations with COMSOL Multiphysics® by showing examples, including galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, and cathodic protection.

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AMPP Webcast

Optimizing Cathodic Protection in Urban Utility Environments

This webcast will explore how downstream gas distribution and water utilities are setting out on a journey to optimize their cathodic protection (CP) assets in High Consequence Areas (HCAs) due to proximity to residential areas. We will dive into some of the unique pain points that distribution utilities must navigate, such as the changing regulatory landscape and HCAs, safety issues for the public and for technicians, in-road operations and traffic permitting, and operating costs.

New technology solutions will be explored that help distribution utilities tackle these challenges

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AMPP Webcast

Eliminating Hidden Coating Damage in Horizontal Directional Drilling

This webcast will provide insight into the current methodologies for making horizontal directional drilling (HDD) anticorrosion systems last. Denso will provide an overview of the HDD process as well as the limitations that current solutions offer in preventing corrosion. The objective of this webcast is to educate and inform the pipeline industry of some key shortcomings and provide a workable solution long before there is a negative impact to the communities they service. This will be done by presenting the primary causes of damage and an evaluation of the failure mechanism. From this platform we can then explain methods of mitigation that will provide a safer operating pipeline with an improved service life.

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AMPP Webcast

How To Prevent Corrosion On Structural Steel Column Bases

Structural steel column bases are extremely difficult to protect with traditional painting methods. It is not uncommon for these paint systems to fail prematurely, sometimes even within the first year of service. This webcast will focus on the Denso Column Base Protection System, which can provide a 30+ year service life. This system is comprised of the Denso petrolatum tape product line, which has case histories dating back to 1929. We will focus on the proper application procedures and the unique benefits of this system.

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AMPP Webcast

Coatings for Corrosion Control in Wastewater Environments

Wastewater asset owners are constantly faced with corrosion-related challenges within their systems. Now more than ever, it is imperative to understand where this corrosion occurs and to have an awareness of the different means to combat it.

One method involves utilizing protective coatings and linings to provide barrier protection to the substrates within these structures. While we acknowledge that there are other available methods, our focus will center around coatings and linings and how they can best be used to protect structures within this aggressive environment.

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AMPP Webcast

The Next Generation of Spray-Applied Integral Waterproofing

Reinforced concrete is one of the most utilized building materials in the world. But for concrete structures to meet or exceed their full design life, they must be properly protected from the weather and other corrosive elements — which are working every day to shorten that lifespan. And most of the waterproofing options available to architects and engineers involve materials that are specifically designed to provide only ‘short-term’ protection of 5–10 years.

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AMPP Webcast

Rethink Your Primer: The Benefits of Ceramic Epoxy

Induron's Ceramaprime brings performance to the marketplace that requires us to rethink our priming options. Whether you are using MCU zinc primers, one-coat DTM technology, or other epoxy primer options, Ceramaprime can deliver increased throughput, the elimination of isocyanate, and the performance of ceramic epoxy technology. This is often accomplished at a cost savings.

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AMPP Webcast

Finding the Root Cause of Flash Rust and Associated Coating Failures

Every industrial industry faces the challenge of preparing metal surfaces and racing the clock to coat before flash rust forces the team to start over. Corrosion costs companies billions of dollars each year, but there’s something you can do to mitigate this problem. Seasoned NACE International certified corrosion expert, Jeremi Day leads us through the root cause of coating failures and ways to mitigate flash rust-related corrosion and save millions in costly maintenance and repair.

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AMPP Webcast

OSHA's FY2020 Top 10 Violations in the Construction Industry

Brought to you by: CoatingsPro Magazine

OSHA recently unveiled its list of the top 10 most frequently cited construction workplace safety standards for FY2020. General requirements for Fall Protection, including training, remained OSHA’s most frequently cited standard for the tenth consecutive fiscal year. Other fall-related standards including ladders, scaffolding, and aerial cranes also remain on OSHA’s list.

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AMPP Webcast

Telling Your Story: Marketing for Coatings Contractors

Brought to you by: CoatingsPro Magazine

Telling your company’s story allows your business to stand apart from the crowd to those who make decisions to build, renovate, or maintain existing structures. The goal is to help those decision makers rely on more than bid price, particularly in the more lucrative private client category. Embracing marketing as an investment has the potential to develop new technologies, expand business, and deliver growth.

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AMPP Webcast

Coatings Failure Resulting From Improper Use of a High-Voltage Holiday Detector

Brought to you by: CoatingsPro Magazine

Coating damage can result from improper settings and uses of high-voltage holiday detectors. We will examine a case history where this occurred as well as share best practices for using high-voltage holiday detectors with industrial coatings.

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AMPP Webcast

Coatings for Corrosion Control in Wastewater Environments

Brought to you by: Carboline

Wastewater asset owners are constantly faced with corrosion-related challenges within their systems. Now more than ever, it is imperative to understand where this corrosion occurs and to have an awareness of the different means to combat it.

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AMPP Webcast

Ultra-High-Build Epoxy Liners and How They Can Upgrade Your Next Project

Brought to you by: EpoxyTec

Learn about the differences between traditional coatings and ultra-high-build epoxy lining solutions. Join Epoxytec to learn exactly what an applied ultra-high-build epoxy lining system is, when to choose them, and what other factors they can bring to a end-users and asset owners compared to traditional coatings.

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AMPP Webcast

A Water Department’s Proactive Approach to Infrastructure and Reliability

Brought to you by: WaterCorr News

This webcast will provide information regarding Tucson Water's proactive asset management program for infrastructure, which includes a Pipeline Protection Program.

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AMPP Webcast

Top 5 Issues for Businesses to Watch in 2021

This year is an important one for industries and small businesses nationwide. Many business owners expect to face continued challenges - including the ongoing pandemic - to their stability and success.

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AMPP Webcast

Corrosion Under Insulation Assessment, Monitoring, and Management

Corrosion under Insulation (CUI) is a widespread problem affecting several industries, causing significant loss of containment events.

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AMPP Webcast

Tools and Techniques for Managing Corrosion at Water and Wastewater Utilities

This talk will cover the tools and techniques for managing corrosion at water and wastewater utilities.

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AMPP Webcast

Navigating Employment Paths in 2020 and Beyond

Whether you have already started a job hunt or are about to, this webcast will provide helpful tips on how to get the most from your job search.

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AMPP Webcast

What the New PHMSA Gas Transmission Mega Rule Means for You

Going into effect on July 1, 2020, the new PHMSA “Gas Mega Rule, Part 1” aims to increase the level of safety associated with the transportation and operation of onshore gas transmission pipelines. In this webcast, we will cover the critical aspects of the rulemaking, as well as what pipeline operators need to do to integrate the new Mega Rule into existing operations and integrity programs.

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AMPP Webcast

Avoiding Corrosion Problems in SWRO Desalination Plants

Learn the latest developments in the fast-growing industry of desalination plants to increase needed supplies of freshwater using seawater reverse osmosis. This webcast, presented by Dr. Roger Francis, FNACE, covers the four major sections in a SWRO plant, as well as the conditions that affect corrosion and how to prevent it.

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AMPP Webcast

Interpreting COVID-19 Legislation's Impact on NACE Members' Small Businesses

Join NACE policy experts as we provide in-depth analysis on COVID-19 relief measures and how they affect NACE small business members, contractors, and self-employed individuals. To date, Congress has passed three bills to provide protection and benefits for individuals and increase funding opportunities for industries and businesses in need. Learn more about how the legislation can help you.

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AMPP Webcast

Pipeline Safety Measures in Congress

NACE International's government relations department is pleased to announce a webcast on the future of direct assessment. In June, Congress began work on important pipeline safety measures and legislation. These proposals could affect you and your employer. In fact, an initial version of legislation would have banned the use of direct assessment.

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AMPP Webcast

The Economies of Corrosion Management in the Maritime Industries

Brought to you by: Maritime News

Incorporating corrosion mitigating measures into planning, design, construction, and operations can be seen as an unreasonable cost given the "over the horizon" nature of the risk. Therefore, often minimum attention is given up front to the risk of corrosion compared to other more immediate hazards. Learn why you should avoid waiting until the problem becomes visible, and stop "chasing rust."

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AMPP Webcast

The Secret to Using Polyurea on Secondary Containment

Restoration of a failed secondary containment lining system for fuel storage tanks was done using chemical-resistant polyurea. This technology offered a variety of benefits both for us as the applicator and also for the client.

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AMPP Webcast

Introducing the Next Generation of Cementitious Epoxy Mortar

Cementitious epoxy mortars are a vital step in most concrete lining projects, but the existing products available to contractors have been fraught with problems and difficult applications. Induron's Mortarchem represents the next generation of this technology.

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AMPP Webcast

Grow Your Coatings Business — With Insights From Asset Owners

Asset owners rely on coatings contractors to help keep their tanks, bridges, pipelines, etc. protected. Contractors depend on asset owners to increase their business. Knowing what challenges, concerns, and opportunities that the asset owners are facing and will face in the future may help you work more efficiently, safely, and overall, successfully with owners moving forward.

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AMPP Webcast

Roof Coatings: The “Cool” Side of Roofing

This webcast will discuss some of the general day-to-day items when designing and executing successful roof coating projects. This information will touch on some roof coating design considerations , and how those changes may have an effect on successful coatings projects.

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AMPP Webcast

New Category of Blast Abrasives From 10X Engineered Material

10X Engineered Materials is introducing a new category of abrasive blasting media made of ultra-safe, ultra-strong mineral alloy particles. Engineers at 10X will explain how the particles are formed into a unique material matrix that yields breakthrough speed and surface quality with no health or environmental risks (including no free silica and no beryllium).

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AMPP Webcast

LOD and Specifications for Improved Construction Collaboration

Construction documentation is ever-changing. The graphic information shown on drawings and represented digitally in a model help quantify the amount of product to be applied.

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AMPP Webcast

The 500 Series: MPI and Navy Specifications

Join us as we explore MPI's new 500 Series standards. Developed by MPI and the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), these new standards represent both a clear path for manufacturers to join the Approved Products List as well as a way for specifiers and architects to leverage the rigorous requirements originally set forth by the Navy.

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AMPP Webcast

A Systematic Approach to Coating Failure Analysis

This webcast presents a structured protocol, or methodology, developed by the presenter to conduct a failure analysis of a coating system. It includes nine structured steps that should be considered when conducting any coating failure analysis.

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AMPP Webcast

Polyurea Technology: Common Failures, Fixes, and Everything In Between

This webcast will discuss the use of thick-film polyurea elastomeric coating and lining systems, including common issues and challenges that are either over-looked or shortcuts that shouldn’t be taken.

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AMPP Webcast

It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane!...It’s OSHA’s New Drone Inspection Program

Now not only do you need to worry about an OSHA inspector at your door but also hovering above your worksite! OSHA inspectors can use Unmanned Aircraft Systems (i.e., “drones”) to conduct certain types of workplace compliance inspections.

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A Primer on Polyurethane, Polyurea, and Polyaspartic Construction Coatings

Polyurethanes, polyureas, and polyaspartics - three coating types synonymous with high performance and durability - will be compared in this fun tutorial aimed at the non-technical user and decision-maker in the Infrastructure segment.

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AMPP Webcast

Ultra-High-Build Epoxy Liners and How They Can Upgrade Your Next Project

Learn about the differences between traditional coatings and ultra-high-build epoxy lining solutions. Join Epoxytec to learn exactly what an applied ultra-high-build epoxy lining system is, when to choose them, and what other factors they can bring to a end-users and asset owners compared to traditional coatings.

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AMPP Webcast

Cathodic Protection Current Mapping: An In-Line Inspection Approach

This webcast will introduce an exclusive new ENTEGRA technology based on cathodic protection current mapping (CPCM) and inline inspection. It will explain how the technology works and point out ways it can help pipeline operators learn more about their pipelines and CP systems.

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AMPP Webcast

Drones and the Future of Corrosion Inspections

This webcast will address how drone inspection differs between bridges, historic buildings, powerlines, and ship ballast tanks and will get you started in the proper direction to employing a contracted or in-house drone inspection program.

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AMPP Webcast

Overcoming Capacitive Effects on Interrupted Surveys with New Technologies

Confirming effective cathodic protection on a target structure involves verification of accurate measured potentials to compare against industry criteria. This is often performed via an interrupted survey to remove certain errors, yet a capacitive effect present in some situations may influence the readings, leading the operator toward incorrect conclusions.

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AMPP Webcast

Corrosion Under Insulation Assessment, Monitoring, and Management

Corrosion under Insulation (CUI) is a widespread problem affecting several industries, causing significant loss of containment events. Due to its aggressive but hidden nature, CUI poses a significant challenge to operators. This presentation discusses approaches for combating CUI.

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AMPP Webcast

Systems for Mitigation of Corrosion Under Insulation

The presence of moisture is necessary for corrosion under insulation (CUI) to occur. When designing process facilities, the selection of the insulation system is an important factor. Improper choices can not only lead to under-performing insulation systems, but also contribute to issues associated with CUI.

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AMPP Webcast

Designing Corrosion-Resistant Cars with Simulation Apps and Machine Learning

This presentation will discuss how the numerical simulation of corrosion, in conjunction with simulation apps and machine learning algorithms, can be used to successfully predict the corrosion performance of materials in service environments.

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AMPP Webcast

Developing a Leading Technology Strategy to Mitigate AC Interference

The technical challenges of alternating current (AC) mitigation within cathodic protection systems are a major and growing concern for owners and operators of critical infrastructure across the world.

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AMPP Webcast

Multiple Effect Distillation — Then and Now

The webcast will discuss not only the major sections of the plant, but also the ancillary sections that can cause problems and shutdown if not addressed properly during design.

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AMPP Webcast

Bridging the Gap Between Stainless Steels and Nickel Alloys

Join us as we explain what this new alloy is, where it fits in your toolbox of advanced stainless steels and alloys and how finding the right material for your application just got easier.

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AMPP Webcast

Pioneering Technology to Protect Flanges and Valves from Corrosion

In harsh salt or chemical environments, flanges, valves, bolts, complex assemblies, dissimilar materials, and crevices formed by construction are often the first to corrode.

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AMPP Webcast

The Future of Corrosion of Concrete

Concrete is claimed to be the second most common manmade material with about 1 cubic yard produced for every person on the planet per year, resulting in more than twice as much concrete being used as any other building material.

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AMPP Webcast

Reduce Total Cost of Ownership by Mitigating Corrosion Under Insulation

This webcast builds upon our previous introduction of WR-Tech and dives deeper into our experimentation with other water-repellent products.

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