Additional information
State Accreditation Specs
The BCI Program is specified in the following states:
-FL DOT Specifies: BCI Level 2
-KY DOT Recognizes: BCI Level 1
-NJ DOT Specifies: BCI Level 1
-CT DOT Specifies: BCI Level 2
-MASS DOT Specifies: BCI
-TX DOT Specifies: BCI Level 2
-OH DOT Specifies: BCI Level 2
-WV DOT Specifies: BCI Level 2
Example Specification Language:
Connecticut Consulting Engineer personnel performing the inspection of bridge painting projects must be either NACE or SSPC - Bridge Coating Inspector (BCI) certified in accordance with the requirements of Section 2.3 – Qualifications, of the CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION INFORMATION PAMPHLET FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.
Florida FLDOT CHAPTER 8 - STRUCTURES TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION PROGRAM. 8.8.2 Bridge Coating Inspector Training Course FLDOT - Lead coating inspectors must successfully complete the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) course entitled "Bridge Coating Inspection" which is designated as SSPC course "BCI". This is a four (5) day course and includes an examination that must be passed in order for SSPC to issue a successful completion certificate.
Kentucky KYDOT accepts the BCI Level 1 Course.
FBPE SSPC is an accredited training provider for the Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE). PEs in Florida can now submit SSPC training course CEUs to the FBPE for continuing education credit.