Marine Coatings Technology Course

Marine Specialty

Marine Coatings Technology Course

The course covers the fundamental issues that are specific to marine coatings. After a description of the most common types of ships, the course describes the corrosion types affecting the ships’ areas, the types of coatings and linings that are effective in the marine environment, the shipbuilding process, the surface preparation, application and inspection techniques, the IMO PSPC for Ballast Tanks, Cargo Tanks and Voids, as well as in service survey and inspection, inspection records and procedures. Classroom instruction is comprised of lectures and discussions.

Who should pursue and apply?

  • Coating inspectors
  • Project engineers
  • Quality assurance managers
  • Contractors
  • Technical sales representatives
  • Blasters
  • Paint applicators
  • Maintenance personnel
  • Management or staff involved in maritime or shipbuilding with a required knowledge of coatings
In-Person Courses Take Virtually

Learning objectives

  • Describe the types and uses of protective coatings, their application, and associated quality control on vessels
  • Recognize salient safety issues associated with performing inspection in marine industry
  • Identify and use instruments mainly used in marine coating inspection
  • Recognize various IMO Resolutions related to protective coatings (PSPC for ballast tanks, cargo tanks and voids, antifouling, etc.)

Course completion and end of course exam

Successful completion of the course is required to earn a certificate of course completion. Requirements are specific to each course and may include a combination of attendance, daily assessments, activities, quizzes, or knowledge checks.

What’s next?

After successful completion of this course, you may be eligible for the Marine Coatings Inspection Specialty.

4 Day Course
2.3 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)


There are no required prerequisites for this course.

Basic Coatings Inspector Certification (CIP Level 1)