Coatings Foundations for Amusement Parks Micro-Credential

Amusement Parks Micro-Credential
How to get this micro-credential
  1. Register for the course (includes fee for micro-credential exam)
  2. Take the course
  3. Schedule and complete the micro-credential exam

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Coatings Foundations for Amusement Parks Micro-Credential

Controlling Corrosion in the Amusement Park Industry Course

The Coatings Foundations for Amusement Parks micro-credential is geared toward candidates who understand the need for corrosion control as it relates to amusement park assets. Candidates should understand the importance of coatings as it relates to corrosion control for amusement park assets and be able to explain the four components of a coating, why coatings are used, and the difference between generalized and localized corrosion. Candidates for this micro-credential includes coatings contractors, specification writers, amusement park safety and facility personnel, as well as amusement park owners / operators and maintenance personnel.

Who should pursue and apply?

  • Coating contractors
  • Specification writers
  • Amusement park maintenance personnel
  • Amusement park safety and facility managers
  • Amusement park owners and operators
Purchase Course

Controlling Corrosion in the Amusement Park Industry Course 

This 90-minute eCourse uses videos to present a range of topics that include why coatings are applied in the amusement park industry, the basics of corrosion, coating fundamentals, coating selection, conducting coating surveys, and maintenance painting best practices.

Learning objectives

  • Describe the four primary reasons in which coatings are used in the Amusement Park Industry.
  • Explain how corrosion forms and the electrochemical process that occurs at the anodic and cathodic sites.
  • State the difference between general and localized corrosion.
  • Summarize the three factors that influence the rate of corrosion.
  • Describe how coatings protect against corrosion.
  • Explain the four components of a coating.
  • State the factors that influence coating selection.
  • Discuss how a coating survey is used to evaluate the condition of a structure/ride.
  • Summarize the activities conducted in each of the three steps of maintenance painting.

Course completion

Successful completion of the course is required to earn a certificate of course completion.

Purchase Course

90 minutes
2 Professional Development Hours (PDH)



There are no required prerequisites for this course.

Getting the micro-credential

The initial exam fee for the Coatings Foundations for Amusement Parks Micro-Credential Exam is included with the course registration fee. The exam is administered through Meazure Learning's (ProctorU) platform, a remote online proctoring service.

Once you have successfully completed the course, the exam authorization process will begin automatically. Exam authorization takes 5-7 business days and when complete, you will receive an email from with login and scheduling instructions for the online portal. Once you set up your profile in the online portal, you can then schedule the exam at your convenience with ProctorU.

How can I best prepare?

  1. Enroll and complete course requirements

    Successful completion of Controlling Corrosion in the Amusement Park Industry course

  2. Schedule your exam

    Setup your exam through ProctorU and use our exam preparation guide to help you study.

    Note: Exam retakes can be purchased in our store if desired

  3. Consent to conduct agreement

    Complete the Professional Code of Conduct (in My Certification Portal)

Start Your Journey

Certification candidates have four (4) years to complete all requirements, including successful completion of the exam, and an approved application with the required work experience and education requirements.