Offshore Corrosion Assessment Technician (O-CAT) Certification

How to get this certification
  1. Enroll and complete O-CAT Course
  2. Take required exams
  3. Consent to agreement

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Offshore Corrosion Assessment Technician (O-CAT) Certification

The Offshore Corrosion Assessment Technician Certification addresses the elements of in-service inspection and maintenance planning for fixed offshore structures.

The course focuses on the inspection, evaluation, and maintenance planning for fixed offshore structures. Special attention is given to corrosion protection systems commonly used in offshore facilities. The Minerals Management Services (MMS) A-B-C facility evaluation grading system requirements for Level 1 Inspection Reporting are also covered.

Who should pursue and apply?

Anyone involved in corrosion control and integrity management of fixed offshore structures. The curriculum benefits varied levels of professionals including:

  • Management and planning personnel
  • Field inspectors conducting in-service inspections of the facility
  • Contractors and specification writers
  • Offshore platform operations personnel
Upcoming Courses

Offshore Corrosion Assessment Training (O-CAT) Course

Learning objectives

  • Perform an evaluation of an offshore platform corrosion system.
  • Describe the various testing methods used during the evaluation.
  • Identify safety hazards and critical areas of concern.
  • Describe the systems and their requirements used to collect information about offshore platforms.
  • Recognize the various types of oil platforms/rigs and equipment.
  • Identify and define the primary corrosion protection systems used in offshore:
    • Protective coatings
    • Splash zone systems
    • Cathodic protection
  • Describe the role of the Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and the A-B-C facility evaluation grading system requirements for Level I Inspection Reporting.

Course completion and end of course exam

Successful completion of the course is required to earn a certificate of course completion. Requirements are specific to each course and may include a combination of attendance, daily assessments, activities, quizzes, or knowledge checks.

A practical exam is administered at the end of the course. Successful completion of the exam is required to earn a certificate of completion.

5 Day Course
3.5 Continuing Education Units (CEU)



There are no required prerequisites for this course.


A basic understanding of science and chemistry is recommended to gain the most value from this course and Basic Corrosion Course

How to achieve Offshore Corrosion Assessment Technician (O-CAT) certification

  1. Meet work experience requirements

    1.5 years’ applicable work experience

  2. Enroll and complete course requirements

    Offshore Corrosion Assessment Training (O-CAT) Course - Strongly recommended

    Successful completion of the Ethics for the Corrosion Professional course or an equivalent training

  3. Take required exams

    Certification Exam - O-CAT Technician Practical Exam

    Coming soon: Practical Exam Preparation Guide
    Note: This exam is delivered as part of the O-CAT Course

    Certification Exam - O-CAT Technician Written Exam

    Written Exam Preparation Guide

    Note: This exam is available on CBT at Pearson VUE

  4. Agree to AMPP terms of service

    AMPP Terms of Service, Candidate Agreement, and Code of Professional Conduct

Start Your Journey

Certification candidates have four (4) years to complete all requirements, including successful completion of the exam, and an approved application with the required work experience and education requirements.

Exam preparation guides

Written Exam Preparation Guide


Coming soon: Practical Exam Preparation Guide

Certification resources

About computer-based testing (CBT)

Ethics for the corrosion professional

My certification portal

Certification exams

Certification requirements include case-based and theory exams delivered via computer-based testing (CBT).

The multiple-choice CBT exam is scheduled separately from the course and delivered via Pearson VUE. The initial CBT exam is included with the course registration. Any Exam retake will incur additional cost to the applicant.

Renewal requirements

An approved recertification application is required every 3 years. The work experience requirement for renewals for all certifications is one and half (1.5) years for the most recent three (3) year period.

As you prepare for renewal, please visit My Certification Portal to log and manage your work experience and Professional Development Hours (PDH's) needed. Your work experience and PDH's will be submitted as part of your renewal application but you can input PDH's at any time. See the certification renewal guide for PDH's requirements, our sample training PDH guide, and our PDH how-to videos.

Certification holders are required to pay a non-refundable processing fee for renewal.

NOTE: AMPP reserves the right to return any incomplete applications or those that do not meet the requirements. All application fees are non-refundable. To avoid processing delays or forfeiture of fees, please ensure that the application is complete, meets all the requirements and payment has been received.