Ethics for the Corrosion Professional

Ethics for the Corrosion Professional

Ethics for the Corrosion Professional

The corrosion profession, and the certified professionals who work in the industry, are committed to protecting people, assets, and the environment from the effects of corrosion. Those tasked with delivering the technical expertise to society must conduct their work with the knowledge and understanding of the ethical principles expected and required of those professionals.

The AMPP Code of Ethics is discussed in conjunction with relevant case studies and features real-life ethical violations of the AMPP attestations. Frameworks for making ethical decisions are also reviewed in this course along with the factors in the corrosion industry that can lead to unethical behavior.

This is an online self-paced course which should take 1.5 – 2 hours to complete. The course includes open navigation through the course, six downloadable job aids, an Attestation, and a clean, streamlined look and feel. 

Who should attend

This program benefits anyone working within the Corrosion industry who may be in a position where they are faced with ethical decision making including:

  • Apprentices
  • Technicians
  • Salespersons
  • Inspectors
  • Quality Control
  • Managers
  • Engineers
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Learning objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of upholding ethical standards across the Corrosion Prevention and Control industry.
  • Differentiate between ethics, morals, and values.
  • Discuss how the Six Pillars of Character embody the ethical values of a professional.
  • Explain why ethics is important within professional settings.
  • Describe what an unethical decision is and how rationalizations are used to justify unethical decisions in a professional setting.
  • Recognize the factors that can lead an individual to make an unethical decision.
  • Identify types of unethical behavior seen when working in the corrosion industry.
  • Explain what ethical dilemmas are, why they occur within professional environments, and the consequences of engaging in unethical behavior.
  • Apply an ethical decision-making framework to solve ethical dilemmas.

Certification requirements

Ethics for the Corrosion Professional is a requirement for certain AMPP Certifications. Ethics is central to the industries we serve and it is our goal to equip all card holders with tools and information they need to be successful in the field and avoid potential violations.

To satisfy this requirement, you must take the Ethics for the Corrosion Professional course or equivalent training. To read more on what an equivalent training must cover, click here to learn more


This program has no prerequisites and is open to anyone who registers.

In 2020 the Certification Commission  passed an Ethics Training Requirement for current and new certification holders, effective January 1, 2021

All certification and renewal applicants will be required to complete the AMPP ethics training program OR an equivalent training and provide proof of completion as part of the certification application or renewal process.

This training program meets the new AMPP certification requirement. Get more information.

Course completion

To receive a training Certificate of Completion and professional development hours (PDHs), students must successfully pass the assessment with a 70% score. 

1.5 Hours
2 Professional Development Hours (PDH)

Hear from members on the benefits of ethics training