John H. Fitzgerald, III Award

 NACE John H. Fitzgerald, III, Award

This award is given in recognition of the best article published in Materials Performance each year. Selection criteria include the technical excellence and the significant aspects of the paper that are meritorious in nature.

A maximum of one award may be given in any year. The recipient will receive an inscribed award and an honorarium of $1,000. In cases where the paper selected to receive the award has multiple authors, the honorarium will be divided among them.

Monica Maher
Geoffrey Swain

2021 Recipient(s): Monica Maher and Geoffrey Swain

The 2021 John H. Fitzgerald, III, Award are Monica Maher and Geoffrey Swain for “Corrosion Control and Ecosystems Enhancement for Offshore Monopiles” MP 58, 8 (2019) p. 28-33.

Monica Maher is with U.S. Department of Energy, USA

Geoffrey Swain is with Florida Institute of Technology, USA