Image and Video Collection and Usage Policy

Image and Video Collection and Usage Policy

At AMPP, Association for Materials Protection and Performance, ("we," "us," or "our"), we take your privacy seriously, especially concerning the images, video and media we collect. This Image and Video Collection Policy outlines our approach to collecting, obtaining consent, and using images.

1. Types of Image and Video Collection

We collect images in the following ways: 

Voluntary Submissions: Individuals may voluntarily submit images and videos to us. This can include images of themselves working in the industry, attending our events, or participating in related activities, such as chapter events. In such cases, individuals provide explicit consent by submitting these images, along with a signed Image and Video Release Form, granting us permission to use these images for marketing or other organizational-related purposes.

Event Photography: When individuals attend events organized by AMPP, we may capture photographs and/or create audio and visual recordings during these events. By attending these events, participants grant us the absolute right and permission to use any such photographs or recordings for any purpose in our sole discretion, as described in any event-specific Image and video disclosures.

2. Our Commitment: Not Distributing Images without Consent to Third Parties for Marketing or Commercial Purposes

We want to emphasize that we are committed to respecting your privacy and ensuring that your images are not distributed to third parties. We do not share, sell, or distribute collected images to third parties for marketing or commercial purposes.

3. Consent and Control

We value your control over your images. You have the right to request the deletion of your images and withdraw your consent for image usage at any time, subject to applicable legal requirements. Please contact us at to discuss your preferences or make changes to your consent.

4. Security and Protection

We take appropriate measures to protect the security and integrity of the images we collect. While we employ stringent security practices, we cannot guarantee absolute security, as no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is entirely secure.

5. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding your images or this Image Collection Policy, please contact us at

6. Changes to this Policy

We may update this Image and Video Collection Policy to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will notify you of any material changes through our website or other appropriate means. By continuing to engage with our services after such changes, you acknowledge and agree to the revised policy.

This Image Collection Policy is effective as of September 8, 2023 and was last updated June 4, 2024.